Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Benefits of a Costume

The whole police visit from last week brings back memories of our film shoot (that's right, for the film formerly-known-at-Liars-and-Lunatics).

We certainly could have used the police on a few of those days. On one such day, we were in the middle of a scene when suddenly, out of nowhere, came the horrible buzzing of a weed-whacker! (The sound guys were going crazy as it was...)

As it turned out, the lawn care people had decided it was time to cut the grass. Right outside our windows. Now our dilemma was to find a way to get rid of them. Couldn't they come back in a few hours?

Well, we were doing some courtroom scenes. Which meant we had the Bailiff (played by Michael Kricfalusi, who also doubled as our 1st AD) on set that day. Fully dressed in his costume, he was the perfect guy to send...

That certainly did the trick! After all, who would want to cross a six-foot guy like Michael? In a “police” uniform?

Back to the present. We have one question. Where were you, Michael, when we were shooting last week, huh? We could have used your police presence to reassure the jumpy neighbors.

Monday, February 25, 2008

When the Police Come Calling

What do you do when the police show up at your door?

For us, this is NOT an everyday occurance. By no means.

But it has happened. And when it happened to us this past week, our first thought was: Oh boy. Hope this is not about the filming we did this morning!

And guess what... It was.

At present, we are working on a few documentaries and such. For one of these projects, we wanted to get a shot as we drove down the street. To film a bit of the neighborhood of our subject.

Well, it seems one of the neighbors got a little uneasy and called... you guessed it.

The police cruiser drove up. And to make a long story short, we showed the cops the footage. They watched a few seconds. They didn't seem to be too disturbed.

Which was good for us. No jailtime.

Not that filmmakers are immune to jailtime. Especially indie filmmakers. We personally don't need to add that to our experience resume.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Eclipse of the Moon

A great eclipse of the moon last night. Kind of cold out, though.

(We're in Canada right now doing some filming for a documentary.)

We went out to film the moon for a bit. Before the eclipse was supposed to start to see where we could get the best viewing. Got some great footage of the moon through the bare trees. Not too many clouds, but enough to make it interesting.

Even had some neighbors come out and give us some advice!

But, as it turned out, didn't get too much footage of the actual eclipse. Too cold!

Then again, it's not like we haven't seen an eclipse before... After all, we're the Moon Brothers!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Titles and More Titles

We've been pouring over all sorts of possibilities for the new title of our film (formerly known as Liars and Lunatics). And we came up with some great sounding titles, too!

1. Gone with the Wind
That works well with the death of Paige. Thematically speaking. And then there's the time when we were almost gone-with-the-wind on the day we shot the picnic scenes... (One problem. Checking out, we find that someone has already made a movie with this title. Too bad!)

2. Star Wars: A New Hope
We thought this one could be cleverly tied into the fact that we're the Moon Brothers. Get it? Stars, moon? And the **new hope** thing would give people the idea that this isn't one of those depressing flicks. (One problem. The title apparently has been taken by a non-Moon-Brother named George Lucas.)

3. It's a Wonderful Life
That's a hopeful title, too, don't you agree? (One problem. The title's been used already for some black and white flick with some guy in it named Jimmy Stewart.)

4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
This title had an interesting flow to it. Even if we don't have a single cuckoo's nest in our story. Maybe we could change it to a parrot's nest? We had plenty of those! (One problem. People might confuse our movie with another one that also takes place in a mental institute.)

5. Dark Victory
Sounds victorious. Even if a little dark. (One problem. Seems like it's already an old movie with some actress named Bette Davis who goes blind.)

6. E.T.
This could stand for Extreme Tragedy. To show James' dilemma and anguish in our movie. (One problem. Looks like we've been beat to this title by some alien that some people think is rather cute.)

7. They Shoot Horses Don't They
This would play up on the tragedy theme as well. We know there are no horses in the movie. But it might work as symbolism, folks! (One problem. Yep, you guessed it. This title, as well, has been taken... by a story about dance marathons.)

8. A Hard Day's Night
James has plenty of those! (One problem. It's already a movie that features four wacky Brits running all over the place.)

9. Braveheart
Forget tragedy. Let's focus on inspiration and this sounds inspiring, doesn't it? (One problem. Apparently there's a guy named Mel Gibson who's got a movie with this title... about some Scottish guy.)

10. Saturday Night Fever
We thought this might reflect some intensity. We're not sure if our movie actually takes place on a Saturday night, but why not? Again, the whole night-thing brings in a connection with the moon. (One problem. It looks like this title has also been used. There's a young actress named Karen Lynn Gorney in it. Hmm? Maybe we should try to get her in our movie?)

For now, it looks like we'll be going with the-movie-formerly-known-as-Liars-and-Lunatics...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Not the Moon Brothers

When we were setting up this new blog, we had to go through a few names. The reason?

We're not the only Moon Brothers out there!

And if you're confused right now, you may have just stumbled on the wrong Moon Brothers and are wondering who we are. So, who are we? We are... well, we're Moon Brothers.

We write. We make music. We write plays and musicals. We make movies and documentaries. (We have a more official website which you can check out called which details some our exploits.)

As for all those other Moon Brothers? Well, here's a list of some of the Moon Brothers that we are NOT...

-Here are the landscaping Moon Brothers from Lewistown, PA. "Our installation services include plantings, patios, decks, retaining walls water features, landscape lighting and irrigation." (We don't really have time for all that landscaping. Too busy with the films...)

-Then there are the Blue Moon Brothers who "have been delighting audiences all over the West Coast for over 10 years now with their toe tapping Bluegrass blend of hot pickin' and vocal harmonies!" (Sorry, we're located on the East Coast. Haven't done much Bluegrass, either.)

-These are political Moon brothers. "The Moon brothers are among many South Koreans whose lives have been encompassed by the sometimes troublous history of the U.S.-South Korean bond." (Not us, folks!)

-The Moon Soul Brothers. (Not us, either...)

-Finally, the Moon Brothers Carriage Company Building is located in St. Louis and have "manufactured a variety of animal-drawn carriages, buggies and wagons." (We know people in St. Louis. We've even been up in the Arch. But we've never manufactured a single animal-drawn carriage.)

Ahhh... Now here's a good website... because, well, it's ours.

By the way, have you searched for your own name on the internet? You might be surprised what you find.