Monday, March 31, 2008

Listening to the Soundtrack

TimelessnessWell, folks! For all you film and music enthusiasts... we've decided to put some of the original music soundtrack from our feature film Dear J... online.

Listen to a piece called "Timelessness" (below). All you have to do is click on the play button, sit back, and enjoy...

AND you can even download it to add to your music library... for free.

Timelessness from the soundtrack of the feature film 'Dear J'
>>>Download this song

And there's more where that came from. Check out more music from the film at our website,

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Magical Moving Apple

Continuity. Every movie has its share of continuity mistakes. There are even websites and books devoted to catching these errors!

Case in point: the movie Mary Poppins. Watch closely when Mary Poppins reads the children’s torn-up note to Mr. Banks; you'll notice she is wearing a pair of white gloves. The next shot is a close-up and suddenly her gloves are black! Finally a room shot, and she’s back to wearing the white gloves again. (From Movie Mistakes by Jon Sandys, p. 110)

Okay, so Mary Poppins is a magical character. She can pull all sorts of furniture from her carpet bag, right? She can float up to ceilings to have tea parties. She's always one step ahead. So, why couldn't her gloves change color!

And that was precisely our explanation for our moving apple.

For our feature film Dear J, the courtroom scenes needed an apple for the prosecutor Dubious (played by Carson Grant). The apple also later figures into the testimony of the trial. And its spot was on the lawyer's table.

Except that it kept moving off its mark. Or rather, we never really knew where its mark was...

We were beginning to enter into a debate over the moving apple when someone realized... It really didn't matter where the apple was because, guys, it's an imaginary courtroom!

Yep! We used the old Mary Poppins magic trick. Probably solved a lot of headaches, too. Continuity-wise.

So, all you people out there trying to catch all our movie mistakes... the moving apple is NOT a mistake! It's an imaginary courtroom. It's meant to be that way.

Just as sure as Mary Poppins' gloves change color.

P.S. Note, that apple must have still caused some grief to someone on the cast or crew. As you can see in the bottom photo (above), someone took their frustration out on one of those magical moving apples. Either that, or they needed a pencil-holder and couldn't get a hold of one... and so used the best alternative they could find. The apple.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Filmmaking and Stress

Filmmaking is a pretty stressful business.

That said, stress it one of those things that can make you sick, right?

We've had some pretty stressful days over the last month. And it has worn away at our immune systems. So much so that it's put some of us in bed. Coughing... Sneezing... You get the picture.

So, you'll have to forgive us for not writing in awhile. Or writing a longer post

We're trying to take it easy for a bit...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ex-Independent Filmmaker

Let's start things off with some real-world advice from Joe Malarkey.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sending off the DVD

Well, folks... Good news! We've sent off the master copy of the DVD of our feature film Dear J--and its artwork--to the DVD makers...

But don't think we're spending all our time sitting at the post office, waiting for a shipment to come in. No, we have plenty of work to do. After all, Dear J isn't the only project on our plate.

And not to say that all things concerning Dear J are completely done with. Oh, no... we're in regular contact with our distribution people. We still have to set up pricing and website shopping carts. All sorts of little details.

You know, the sort of boring real-life details that don't make good drama.

"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out." Alfred Hitchcock
But, stay tuned... We'll let you know when the exciting parts happen...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Have You Been to the City of Cubes?

CubeCityHave you had a chance to check out our "official website" (as opposed to our blog)? It's where we reside in cyberspace:

And the website's been updated recently... with a new look.

Hmmm... seems like we been doing that a lot recently. New this. New that. Well, once you start changing one thing... Winston Churchill is credited with saying that "To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often."

Anyway, here's the link to our website. You'll find all the official stuff about us. Photos of our feature film, Dear J. Press releases. Cast and Crew. Contact info. You get the picture...

P.S. By the way, for those enquiring minds wanting to know, the cube pictured above is by a talented artist named Gregory Palmer. And it really is entitled "CubeCity". (And no, it is not a borg ship.)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Dear J, We've Decided to Change your Name

Okay. So, we've been teasing you enough with the whole title change for our feature-film-formerly-known-as-Liars-and-Lunatics.

Actually, that's become quite a bit of a mouthful, really. And we're ready to let you in on the top secret brand new name.

And that name? ...Dear J.

(This is a reference to the unopened letter written to our protagonist James from his dead girlfriend, before her death. The letter he can't bring himself to open. It kind of permeates throughout the story. The driving force in many ways.)

And it's a name we're having to get used to.

After all, we've been calling the film Liars and Lunatics for over two years now.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Changing Titles

As you may already know, we're in the process of changing the name of our feature film...

But, if you think of it, title changes are not really that uncommon in the entertainment world.

Probably one of the more interesting stories is that of the film classic, Casablanca. The title of the film was originally Everybody Comes to Rick's.

But they changed it... to Casablanca of course. And now we can't imagine the film as anything else.

Case in point: According, in the 1980s, the screenplay for Casablanca was sent to readers at a bunch of major film studios under its original title (Everybody Comes To Rick's). Some readers recognized the script, but most did not! Many of them recommended that the script was "not good enough" to make a decent movie...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Remembering Larry Norman

As you may already know, Larry Norman died last Sunday of heart failure. He was 60 years old.

It was last August when we filmed this legendary musician, singer, songwriter during a concert he gave in New York City. (Come to think of it, probably one of his last performances, actually.)

Our impressions of him? He seemed less interested in performing a concert and more interested in sharing his life experience. He was very humble.

You can check out his website, on which is posted his final words to his fans and to the world in general.

"I feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God's hand reaching down to pick me up. I have been under medical care for months. My wounds are getting bigger. I have trouble breathing. I am ready to fly home."
Larry Norman

You can read his entire message here.