Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Favorite Blog Post of 2009?

Which blog post was your favorite from the past year?

We checked and here's a list of the top seven most visited pages from our blog during 2009:

  1. A Movie Trailer (September 15, 2009) -- This is the blog post that announced the long-awaited movie trailer for Under Jakob's Ladder. Really, is anyone surprised about this one making the top of the list???
  2. Storyboarding Jakob (August 26, 2009) -- This one also has a link to youtube -- with the storyboards for one of the scenes in Under Jakob's Ladder. (Does that mean people like videos?)
  3. Film Day 6 -- Very Hot Interiors (June 15, 2009) -- This was about the happenings from on the set while we were filming Under Jakob's Ladder.
  4. The Cost of a Movie Ticket (November 16, 2009) -- A bit of a history on movie ticket prices... coupled with a poll.
  5. Making Props Look Old (January 12, 2009) -- Okay. So, the fact that this post made the top seven either means that a lot of people are interested in props, or maybe this post has a bit of a headstart since it's from way back in January...
  6. Q&A with Actor Jeff Stewart (December 16, 2009) -- Actually, all the Q&As were pretty popular...
  7. Slate Your Name, Please (March 11, 2009) -- And finally, a blog post on the auditioning process.
So, which post was YOUR favorite? Vote below...

(Your favorite post not listed, tell us in the Comments section.)

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