Monday, June 15, 2009

Film Day 6 -- Very Hot Interiors

Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Location: Interior -- Jakob's House
Film: Under Jakob's Ladder

Ah... Tuesday. After our two days "off". We begin a new week of filming. In another new location. And this day, of all days, was hot. In fact, they were predicting close to 95 degrees. And what did we have planned for the day? A nice cool prison set to film in, perchance?

Just our luck that the location for this day had to be on the second floor. (Heat rises, right?) So, not only were we working in stifling hot weather, but our camera had to work in the heat. And the Red camera didn't really like the added degrees in temperature. So, we had to have a fan on the camera between takes to keep it cool.

Jakob and RachelRachel (Victoria Bundonis) speaks with her father Jakob (played by Jeff Stewart) in this flashback scene in the house.

Emma and RachelHere, Emma (Alexandra Tejeda Rieloff) is speaking with Rachel (Victoria Bundonis) in her kitchen.

Enter Jakob's granddaughter, Marta (Chloe Roe), to the surprise of poor Emma.

Eye-PatchAnd finally, darkness fell. Out came Eyepatch (played by Igor Litwinowicz) and our NKVD secret police, all ready for the big arrest scene. And while it was a bit cooler for this particular scene, it was still warmer than we would have liked.

Who would have thought a day in April would be such a hot, hot day? (Air conditioning would have been nice...)

P.S. We even haven't told you of the scenes we filmed in the cemetery on this day. Oh well. We'll deal with it in the next post...

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