Monday, June 22, 2009

Film Days 7-9 -- Some Prison Interiors

Dates: Wednesday, April 29 to Friday, May 1, 2009
Location: Interiors -- Prison
Film: Under Jakob's Ladder

Finally, we're inside the prison. Actually, a good portion of the film takes place inside these walls. This location was pretty cool, temperature-wise; but it was also quite dusty -- Dirt floors and straw didn't help matters much. The poor Red camera didn't like the dust at all. (Who ever heard of a camera with a dust allergy?!)

Let's see... The main things we filmed on these three days? A couple of arrivals (including the arrival of Jakob [i.e. Jeff Stewart] at the prison cell)... a disappearance... a thunderstorm... an argument involving a spoon.

Here's Bruno (played by Sal Rendino), our prison bully, "welcoming" Jakob (Jeff Stewart) to his new life in prison.

In a later scene, Bruno does what he does best... cause trouble for his fellow inmates.

Ivan at the chess boardHere we are, preparing for the shot. We measure focus to Ivan (played by Philip Willingham) as he sits at the chess board.

watching the monitor
We watch the monitor during a quick rehearsal of a scene with Yasha (Quentin McCuiston) and Karl (Matthew R. Staley).

Note: Just one more day left in Week 2 of our filming schedule. And the next day -- Saturday, May 2nd -- we have an early morning start. Plus, we have another location change. But, not to worry! We'll be back in the prison before you know it.

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