Monday, August 10, 2009

Dialog Replacement

So, how's the editing for Under Jakob's Ladder coming along?

Well, we have a rough cut of the movie. But it's still pretty rough. Basically, over the past few weeks we have been focusing on doing dialog replacement.

Most of the production dialog from the exterior scenes is unusable due to traffic noise. So, during the film shoot, after each camera setup, we would take the actors with dialog to a quiet space where we had them speak their lines of dialog, just like they did it during the take.

We made sure to record several versions of each line. (This usually works well if the actors pretty much stuck to the script, and it saves the hassle of bringing in actors months later to try to remember their performance as they lip sync.)

For wide interior shots, the mics are usually too far away from the actors to pick up their dialog. So you take the dialog from the close-ups and shift it around until it matches their lips for the wide angle.

This took almost two weeks to finish.

And now that we've got that done, we can do some serious work on a movie trailer...

(Note: This blogpost originally was from the email newsletter we sent out last week. If you would like to receive our email updates about the film, please sign up here.)

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