Monday, August 31, 2009

Film Day 19 -- Goodbye Prison!

Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009
Location: Interiors -- Prison
Film: Under Jakob's Ladder

This date was one of those bittersweet filming days. It was the last day of filming for a majority of the cast. (It was not the last day for the crew, by any stretch of the imagination.)

And we had a lot to film on this date; something like 10-12 pages of script! In fact, that morning (before any of the actors arrived) we had to make some hard decisions about making a few cuts to the script. About a page fell victim to the ax.

While, we did have a possible back-up filming date on Friday, but we really didn't want to have to use it. Kudos to the cast of prisoners who rose to the occasion, giving us some great performances; not to mention overtime...

P.S. The photo we chose for this post is a photo of Vovik (Peter Iasillo) saying goodbye to his hole...

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