Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Predictions in 3D

There are lots of predictions going around right now as to future of 3D.

Although, it's not like 3D is new.

But, with a whole assortment of movies being released in 3D -- Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, to name a couple -- it's certainly on people's minds. But is 3D just a passing fad? Or is it here to stay?

Everybody is making predictions. But predictions can be interesting things.

For example, in 1900, a writer for the New York Times predicted that the advent of the automobile would solve the parking problem. The reasoning? The auto occupies less space at a curb than a horse and wagon. (Oops! Bad prediction.)

Second example... Have you ever heard of "Disney's Folly"? This was the pejorative nickname for a full-length animated feature film that Walt Disney had in production in the 1930s. Up to this point, no one had ever attempted a movie-length cartoon. People in the movie industry predicted that it'd be the death of Walt Disney Productions.

In addition to this, Walt disney even had opposition even inside his own fledgling studio. After a viewing of the almost-completed movie, one employee wrote an anonymous note to Walt: "Stick to shorts!" (This note apparently upset him for days.)

Of course, ultimately, Walt Disney got the last laugh.

Because the movie that his peers had dubbed "disney's Folly" was, of course, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

(By the way, after the enormous success of Snow White, if a Disney employee responded in a negative manner to one of Walt disney's ideas, he would exclaim, "I'll bet you're the guy who wrote 'Stick to shorts'!")

So... what about 3D?

Well, they're coming out with 3D televisions, now. One thing to consider is that these TVs are rather expensive, especially considering there are only a handful of movies out there using 3D technology.

And you still have to wear those glasses.

What do you think? Is 3D here to stay?

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